DiSCos - Distributional Synthetic Controls Estimation
The method of synthetic controls is a widely-adopted tool
for evaluating causal effects of policy changes in settings
with observational data. In many settings where it is
applicable, researchers want to identify causal effects of
policy changes on a treated unit at an aggregate level while
having access to data at a finer granularity. This package
implements a simple extension of the synthetic controls
estimator, developed in Gunsilius (2023)
<doi:10.3982/ECTA18260>, that takes advantage of this
additional structure and provides nonparametric estimates of
the heterogeneity within the aggregate unit. The idea is to
replicate the quantile function associated with the treated
unit by a weighted average of quantile functions of the control
units. The package contains tools for aggregating and plotting
the resulting distributional estimates, as well as for carrying
out inference on them.